House for sale on a sunny day in Texas USA

What to Wear to a House Closing

What to Wear to Closing Day

If you’re a buyer, a seller, or a new realtor, you won’t have attended many house closings in your life. It can be hard to figure out what you think might be appropriate to wear to this event. There’s a lot of work and stress involved during the purchase/sale of a property so the last thing you should be worrying about is what to wear to the house closing! In this article we save you the worry, and show you exactly what each party should wear to a house closing day.

White House in Texas

Gutter Apron vs Drip Edge – Which is the best for your roof?

Gutter Apron vs Drip Edge

Gutter apron and drip edge have been required on houses for about 8 years. You might see this on all roof replacements, and it’s actually one of the building code requirements that has raised the quality of roofs in the US. Gutter apron vs drip edge is a common question asked by homeowners looking to renovate their roof.

Read on to find out what drip edge and gutter apron are, and which one you should install on your house.

If you’re looking to add more accessories to your roof, such as roof strips, check out our zinc vs copper article here.

House in Florida

What are CDD Fees in Florida? A simple explanation

A CDD fee, or a Community Development District fee, covers the costs of having new roads, road repairs, school buildings constructed and repaired. CDD Fees also pay for the maintenance of roads, sewers, community pools and sports courts, parks, and sidewalks.

CDD fees are in place to pay for overall community improvements Typically a homeowner’s CDD fees range between $120-2000 each year.